Persona template (updated)
This template includes several key elements to provide a comprehensive and realistic profile. Here's a breakdown of the template used:
Name: A fictional name to personalize the persona.
Age: An estimated age to give context to the level of professional experience.
Education: Academic background relevant to the role.
Professional Background:
Years of experience and focus areas.
Previous roles held.
Special certifications or skills relevant to the role.
Industry: The specific sector or industry the persona operates in.
Core duties and tasks associated with the role.
Interaction with other departments or teams.
Goals: Professional objectives or targets the persona aims to achieve.
Challenges: Common obstacles or difficulties faced in the role.
Motivations: Key drivers or reasons the persona is passionate about their role.
Familiarity with relevant software, tools, or technologies.
Specific technical skills pertinent to the role.
Behavioral Traits:
Personal attributes or qualities that influence how the persona performs in their role.
Sources of Information:
Key resources or channels the persona relies on for information and updates relevant to their field.
Quote: A statement reflecting the persona’s perspective or approach to their role.