1. Identify Current Category


How do your users define your product category?

User → User Value Framework → Category Usage 

User → User Value Framework → Category Usage 


User Type

User Framework

User’s Category Name & Description

User’s Category Choice Criteria 

Common Products & Solutions

Primary User




Write how the user describes the entire category of these Jobs To Be Done in their own language

What are the top criteria by which users choose in this category?

Write the most common products (not yours) that the user may consider to get these job done


What is the product category according to customers, industry analysts, or investors?

Tip: If your product didn’t exist, what other products or solutions would the buyer purchase for this job?

EXAMPLES: Payroll software, Data analytics for finance, etc.

Buyer → Buyer Value Framework → Category Purchase & Criteria


Buyer Type

Buyer Framework

Buyers Category Name & Description

Buyers Category Purchase Criteria

Top Competitors

Primary Buyer 




Write how the Buyer describes the product category to which your product may belong


[This could be described by analysts and other experts]

What are the top criteria by which buyers purchase in this category?

Write top competitors perceived by Buyers in this category


This could be described by analysts and other experts