Onboarding/setup: industry & framework questions

These type of questions (industry etc) should come:

  • AFTER password verification

  • AFTER team functionality (joining etc)

If a registration happens for an existing team, some questions will not be relevant any more.
=> all questions relating to the account/workspace


We should never ask questions for the sake of just ‘knowing.’

Every question has to trigger certain changes in how the application will interact with the user.
These interactions can be really small or big, no matter.


Question: “which industry do you work in”

Actions possible:
we can suggest frameworks that are commonly used in the industry


are these suggestions really useful and relevant? It seems too high-level to be adding value.


It seems only useful in onboarding itself - to give a suggested list of frameworks to choose from that is effective and easy for the end user.


Question: “which regulation frameworks do you want to achieve compliance for?”

This would also require follow-up questions to refine

Actions possible:

  • we use this data to add contextual information to any definitions they might create

  • <future> we can use this to define which mappings are needed


We implicitly ask this question today when we ask the user to create lists.
But we would make this explicit now so we can steer the process.