End-users belong to organizations that compete in industries such as Computer Software, Insurance, and Financial Services. We are currently tracking the industry in HubSpot via ZoomInfo integration. In addition, we have historical information as to which Authority Documents customers are adding to Shared Lists and creating Builds for. These lists and builds indicate that those Authority Documents are important to those customers in their compliance efforts.
We ought to be able to leverage the industry information as the historical AD usage for other customers to recommend a set of Authority Documents to customers.
This PRD solely pertains to the confirmation of Industry, Affiliations, and State-agency the customer is associated with. The follow-on PRD Reporting PRD Phase 1 addresses how the ADs are recommended to the user.
Create a building block to allow customers to quickly identify Authority Documents that meet their needs.
Self-identification will typically happen at the sign-up phase. The user signing up mostly is any of these roles:
If a user is already signed up, the selected industry can be changed by the owners/admins of the workspace. These typically will be any of the first two roles above.
Success Metrics
List project goals and the metrics we’ll use to judge success.
Goal | Metric |
We have the ability to take | |
Current Challenges / Limitations
Customers typically will know which requirement frameworks their company adheres to. When coming into our application, the JTBD Job-To-Be-Done is to get all the ADs that match their desired set of requirements and frameworks as fast as possible.
Regrettably, the current Common Controls Hub (CCH) search functionality is hard to use and even confusing for customers to locate authority documents which are important to them.
Customers typically use three tools (CCH, Research, and the internet) to search for and confirm the ADs that are of interest to them.
Quicken the pace for customers to determine which authority documents are of interest to them by using historical information of similar users.
Subscription / Pricing / Billing Impacts
No subscription, pricing, or billing impacts.
Beta and Early Access
No need for full beta. Will be built into CCH as additional functionality and ideally should be tested with a few friendly customers to validate functionality.
Risks and Assumptions
HubSpot/ZoomInfo enriches data at both the company and contact level. Need to ensure the user’s choice of industry does NOT override the company ZoomInfo derived industry.
In case of multi-sector companies, the derived recommended list may not match the customers' needs and provide little value.
In case of (partially) wrong suggested info, we allow to user to self-identify. For this, the proposal is to use the Zoominfo list of industries.
This list is very exhaustive and will discourage correct self-selection
We need to make sure that for every industry we have a valid list of AD’s to suggest.
Risk of low adoption with ripple effect of not gathering information needed to produce recommended ADs (e.g., ISACA members typically choose a certain set of ADs).
This risk can be mitigated by doing upfront research to validate:
a) members belonging to an organization share a list of common AD’s
b) create a mapping which shared AD’s match with which membership
State Agencies
Our knowledge of what regulations are needed by which state agencies is very incomplete. The risk exists that the cascade of needed AD’s is complex and might be better served with a dedicated sign-up flow/mechanism. Furthermore, it seems plausible to assume that we can identify most if not all of state agencies by their .gov (or alike) domain and subdomains.
This risk can be mitigated by doing upfront research to get a better grasp on which shared AD’s match with which state agency.
Delays in our delivery
Self-identification and the capability to propose a relevant list of AD’s is offering value to customers signing up beyond doubt.
The proposed way forward with integrations with ZoomInfo and Hubspot offers an end result that will be automatic and is likely the best solution to answer this need. It is however, also the one that would require most work and resources. The risk here is that we spend too much effort on automating this need in CCH, while our goal is to produce a 4.0. A manual alternative might be a valid option for now until other priorities have been solved.
Updates will be done in CCH in order to buy us time to get a more sophisticated solution UC 4.0
We are assuming that users of our platform will be aware and willing to share this information.
We need to allow users to opt of choosing Affiliations or not choose since they might not want to fill out the information or might not belong to any affiliations.
We are also assuming that there is a significant correlation between membership affiliation and selected AD’s. This might be true or false, for all, some or none of them.
Milestones and Phases
List the project milestones along with how that milestone can be successfully measured.
Number | Description | Success Measurement |
A building block for industry information. | ||
A building block for affiliation information. | ||
A building block for state-agency information. |
Product Requirements
Use Cases
Happy Day Scenarios
User is presented the Industry from HubSpot/ZoomInfo which matches their understanding which they confirm. In addition, the user selects a few of the affiliations they belong to such as ISACA and ISC2.
Rainy Day Scenarios
User chooses Other for the industry which during the reporting won’t add much value.
Requirement | Importance | Status | Comments |
HubSpot data cleaned up to ensure all companies have Industry information populated from ZoomInfo. | P1 | Not Started | It is a known issue that HubSpot industry data is imperfect. Approximately 200 accounts do not have industry assignment (demo 137, live 68). We are relying on ZoomInfo - we can contract with a second organization to enrich data for those not enriched, however, we haven’t completed the AI mapping project to map industry lists between Zoom and other list types. |
Within CCH, provide a means for the user to approve the enriched industry information or choose “other”. | P1 | Not Started | Sean will provide more detail: individual users will not be allowed to update to the HubSpot Company Industry. |
Within CCH, provide a means for the user to choose which affiliations they belong to such as ISACA, ICS2, HITRUST or others. | P1 | Not Started | As example, marketing already has one set up for ISC2 Form (hsforms.com) Initial list is:
Within CCH, provide a means for the user to confirm which State-agency they belong to. This is only provided if the user’s domain corresponds to supported state agencies. | P1 | Not Started | If not the domain, how else would we want the user to self-select or confirm which state-agency they belong to. |
Provide a means of UCF super-administrators to identify which authority documents below to supported state-agencies. | P1 | Not Started | Potential suggested solution, but engineering will consider other solutions: create a “dummy” company per supported state-agency and create a list of supported ADs. |
Choice of Industry will be stored on the contact information in HubSpot. | P1 | Not Started | Will optionally be stored in CCH if needed. |
Choice of Affiliation(s) will be stored on the contact information in HubSpot. | P1 | Not Started | Will optionally be stored in CCH if needed. |
Choice of State-agency will be stored on the contact information in HubSpot. | P1 | Not Started | Choice of Affiliation(s) will be stored on the contact information in HubSpot. |
Periodically request users to re-update their information to ensure is up to date. | P3 | Not Started |
Estimated effort to fulfill all P1 requirements:
Design and Documentation: 2 weeks.
Build Solution: 4 weeks.
Total Duration: 6 weeks.
Estimated Number of resources to fulfill all P1 requirements:
Design Resources: 1
Build Resources: 2
Open Questions
List any open questions that come to mind throughout the lifecycle of this project.
Question | Answer | Date Answered |
What is the complete list of Affiliations? | ||
What would the change management process of the list of affiliations be? | ||
How often would users need to update affiliations? |
Out of Scope / Future Functionality
Self-identification to a membership / affiliation will not automatically grant access or unblock access to membership related content.
Self-identification to a state-agency will not automatically grant access or unblock access to state-agency related content.
Self-identification to an Industry will not automatically grant access or unblock access to Industry related content.
Impacted Product Components
CCH user interface and backend
HubSpot contact information for the confirmed Industry.
HubSpot contact information for the Affiliations.
HubSpot contact information for the State-agency.
Integration between CCH and HubSpot to store self-identification information and retrieve options.
BI data model
User Interaction and Design
These are possible designs to add a step to the sign-up flow.
Zoominfo’s list of industries is NAICS based, so extensive.
We could consider going into the subcategories of industries as well, but I would recommend against it:
more burden for the end-user in selecting the industry
additional difficulty for us to match industry with AD’s
For 4.0 we have design proposals so users can digest our suggested lists.
Additional References
List and link to any other reference sites, documents … that might be important to the reader.