End-users belong to organizations that compete in industries such as Computer Software, Insurance, and Financial Services. We are currently tracking the industry in HubSpot via ZoomInfo integration. In addition, we have historical information as to which Authority Documents customers are adding to Shared Lists and creating Builds for. These lists and builds indicate that those Authority Documents are important to those customers in their compliance efforts.
We ought to be able to leverage the industry information as the historical AD usage for other customers to recommend a set of Authority Documents to customers.
This PRD solely pertains to providing a report of recommended Authority Documents to the end-user based upon their identification of Industry, Affiliations, and State-agency. The predecessor PRD Self-Identification - Phase 1 addresses how the user confirms their Industry, Affiliations, and State-agency.
Create a building block to allow customers to quickly identify Authority Documents that meet their needs.
Link to UC’s personas for the user, buyer, influencer.
List project goals and the metrics we’ll use to judge success
Goal | Metric |
Recommended AD list provided to CCH end-users based on account industry information. Restricted to ADs in shared lists and/or builds. | Percentage of users who view recommended ADs list. |
Recommended AD list provided to CCH end-users based on account affiliation information. Restricted to ADs in shared lists and/or builds. | Percentage of users who view recommended ADs list. |
Recommended AD list provided to CCH end-users based on account state-agency information. Restricted to ADs in shared lists and/or builds. | Percentage of users who view recommended ADs list. |
Provide report to membership organizations what ADs are being used in shared lists and/or builds. | Percentage of membership organizations who leverage report. |
Current Challenges / Limitations
Describe the challenges that users face using the current product, alternative solutions, or performing tasks manuallyThe current Common Controls Hub (CCH) search functionality is confusing for customers to locate authority documents which are important to them.
Customers typically use three tools (CCH, Research, and the internet) to search for and confirm the ADs that are of interest to them.
Highlight the main benefits the customer/user will gain by this productQuicken the pace for customers to determine which authority documents are of interest to them by using historical information of similar users.
Subscription / Pricing / Billing Impacts
Describe any financial impact this product will introduce (if any)No subscription, pricing, or billing impacts.
Beta and Early Access
Describe if beta customers and/or early access is essential for success. If betas are required, there could be a substantial recruitment process required which needs to be anticipated and planned forNo need for full beta. Will be built into CCH as additional functionality and ideally should be tested with a few friendly customers to validate functionality.
Risks and Assumptions
As per the requirements below, the HubSpot data regarding Industry must be up to date for all customers in order to provide an accurate recommendation for a customer in the same industry.
Updates will be done in CCH in order to buy us time to get a more sophisticated solution UC 4.0
Milestones and Phases
List the project milestones along with how that milestone can be successfully measured.
Number | Description | Success Measurement |
1 | Create report of recommended ADs based on account industry information. | Generate report of recommended ADs based on account industry information. |
2 | Create report of recommended ADs based on account affiliation information. | Generate report of recommended ADs based on account affiliation information. |
3 | Create report of recommended ADs based on account state-agency information. | Generate report of recommended ADs based on account state-agency information. |
4 | Deliver industry-based recommended AD list to end-users. | Percentage of users who view recommended AD list. |
5 | Deliver association-based recommended AD list to end-users. | Percentage of users who view recommended AD list. |
6 | Deliver state-agency-based recommended AD list to end-users. |
Product Requirements
Percentage of users who view recommended AD list. |
Product Requirements
Use Cases
Happy Day Scenarios
This is the “happy path” that includes the beginning to end steps the customer/user takes to be successfulUser chooses that they would like to receive a report of recommended authority documents and they subsequently receive an email with a PDF attachment of recommended authority documents.
Rainy Day Scenarios
Here is where you describe what to do when things go wrong (e.g., user closes the browser, API doesn’t return results …)The user’s email is out of date or wrong and they never receive the email.
The industry the user confirmed has no or minimal list of ADs thus adding little value.
The industry the user confirmed has a long list of ADs requiring the user to filter through the list to confirm value.
Requirement |
User Story
Importance | Status | Comments |
Provide a means for UCF super-administrators to specify which authority documents |
are recommended to supported state-agencies. | TBD | Not Started | Potential suggested solution, but engineering will consider other solutions: Option 1: create a “dummy” company per supported state-agency and create a list of supported ADs. Ensure state-agency identification is populated in HubSpot which will feed into the reporting engine. Option 2: create table/form … outside of CCH to allow supper admins to specify supported state-agencies and their related ADs. |
Option 3: ?
Within CCH, provide a means for the user to ask for AD recommendations (only if they have filled out Industry other than “Other” and/or specified some Associations). | P1 | Not Started | |
After the user chooses the option to receive AD recommendations, gather recommended authority documents based upon the self-identified: 1. industry, affiliation, or both OR
Send the user via email with a PDF attachment for the recommended ADs. | P1 | Not Started | The consolidated recommended ADs is based upon ADs in shared lists and ADs in builds. |
Once the email is sent, inform the user they should check their email inbox for recommended ADs. | P1 | Not Started | |
Provide key partners (ISC2, ISACA …) with report to list CCH Organizations who are members in their affiliation. | P1 | Not Started | Phase 1 will be a manually generated report out of HubSpot, Power BI, or other and sent to the partner. Phase 2 (called out in phase 2 PRD) will allow for API access. |
Provide key partners (ISC2, ISACA …) with report to list CCH users who are members in their affiliation. | P1 | Not Started | Phase 1 will be a manually generated report out of HubSpot, Power BI, or other and sent to the partner. Phase 2 (called out in phase 2 PRD) will allow for API access. |
Estimated effort to fulfill all P1 requirements:
Design and Documentation: 2 weeks.
Build Solution: 4 weeks.
Total Duration: 6 weeks.
Estimated Number of resources to fulfill all P1 requirements:
Design Resources: 1
Build Resources: 2
Open Questions
List any open questions that come to mind throughout the lifecycle of this project
Question | Answer | Date Answered |
Since we are currently not tracking which affiliations a user belongs to, how will the recommended ADs be derived? | We are tracking which affiliations users belong to. Please see HubSpot or ask Matt. | |
How do we handle new versions of ADs? | ||
Is this purely data driven or do we need maintenance aspects on the reports we send out? | ||
Frequency of reports? |
Out of Scope / Future Functionality
List the known features that are out of scope for this project or might be revisited at a later time.
As is case with the assumptions, it is important to list these out so that architects and engineers can plan accordingly for these later updates.
Impacted Product Components
Impacted Product Components
CCH user interface and backend
HubSpot contact information for the confirmed Industry.
HubSpot contact information for the Affiliations.
HubSpot contact information for the State-agency.
Integration between CCH and HubSpot to store self-identification information and retrieve options.
BI data model
User Interaction and Design