Problem Space - Business background


titleSize of market (TAM, SAM, SOM)

Total Addressable Market (TAM)

The whole universe of state agencies who experience this need.

Serviceable Available Market (SAM)

The part of this market that we can realistically reach and convert in a medium- to long-term.

Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM)

What can we realistically capture of this market in 18-24 months after solution launch? What are our beach-heads? Taking into account our

  • Competitive advantage

  • Current market penetration of competitors

  • Our marketing and sales teams' need for time to reach the customers in (pre-)buying mode

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The average number of agencies per state is 150. Which more or less would bring us to 7,500 potential customers in this initiative.


If we assume that we can close 2% of that business that is 3 deals per state. Not accounting for a price increase that is 3 agencies x 50 states = 150 CCH Accounts. 150 accounts x $10,000 = $1.5M annually

SOM: ?

ToDO still - some rough estimates on timelines for a revenue sequence:

5-step interactive flowchart - Page 1.pngImage Added

These bits of info might help us to get clarity

  • when are states renewing the contracts - EOY or throughout the year

    • no set date - dates are unique to customer

  • are these multi-year contracts

    • mix - ServiceNow leaning to 3-yr contracts

  • which ServiceNow contracts are how many are up for renewal this year

  • ramp-up: when we have the mapping ready, what are our next steps in sales

    • proposal decision cycle: how long

      • 30 -60 days on average

    • is there a testing period from partner side

      • no


Early adopters & how to reach them:

  • Strategy: Top-down or bottom-up (see here)

  • Marketing channels

    • Which ones and why are they the best to reach this SOM?

  • Budget:

    • Do we need funds to spend on marketing?

    • Estimate for CAC in this market

  • Sales execution

    • Strategy direct or partner-led

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PartnerThis is a partner-led strategyplay.

No marketing budget neededWould is asked currently.

The initiative would need support from marketing with supporting basic webpages
