Scope and Requirements
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The intent of this section is for the following: Scope Definition: defines the scope of the proposed product (or features), including what will and will not be included helping manage expectations and focus development efforts. Guideline for Development: provides detailed information on the product’s features, functionalities, user flow, and interface to guide the development team in building the product. Framework: provides high-level evaluation criteria for alternative solutions (build, buy, partner) to evaluate different routes to success. |
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Provide a high-level evaluation criteria criterion for alternative solutions (build, buy, partner) to evaluate different routes to success. |
Milestones and Launch Checklist
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The intent of this section is for the following: Launch Readiness: launch checklist including high-level go-to-market plan to ensure cross-departmental alignment. High-level Messaging: Includes Unique Selling Proposition (USP) raising visibility of the proposed solution’s value proposition.Monetization: Financial impact this product will introduce (if any) Risk Mitigation: Identifies potential risks and propose mitigation strategies. Subscription / Pricing / Billing Impacts: Financial impact this product will introduce (if any) | ||
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Milestones and Launch Readiness: launch checklist including high-level go-to-market plan to ensure cross-departmental alignment. | ||
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High-level Messaging | : Includes Unique Selling Proposition (USP) raising visibility of the proposed solution’s value proposition. |
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| Identifies potential risks and propose mitigation strategies
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What is the Unique Selling Proposition (USP)? Relay the key factors that separate our product from the competition and why we are the best possible solution for our prospects based on their unique needs. |
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Will this product be part of an existing subscription or an add-on? Will this product be usage based or part of a subscription? |
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Identifies potential risks and propose mitigation strategies.
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Identify any relevant milestones that people should now about. Will we “eat our own” first? Will this require a beta? and what is the target launch date?
Additional References
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List and link to any other reference sites, documents … that might be important to the reader. |