Risks and Assumptions
HubSpot/ZoomInfo enriches data at both the company and contact level. Need to ensure the user’s choice of industry does NOT override the company ZoomInfo derived industry.
The In case of multi-sector companies, the derived recommended list may not match the customers' needs and provide little value.
In case of (partially) wrong suggested info, we allow to user to self-identify. For this, the proposal is to use the Zoominfo list of industries.
This list is very exhaustive and will discourage correct self-selection
We need to make sure that for every industry we have a valid list of AD’s to suggest.
Risk of low adoption with ripple effect of not gathering information needed to produce recommended ADs (e.g., ISACA members typically choose a certain set of ADs).
b) create a mapping which shared AD’s match with which membership
State Agencies
Our knowledge of what regulations are needed by which state agencies is very incomplete. The risk exists that the cascade of needed AD’s is complex and would be better served with a dedicated sign-up flow/mechanism. Furthermore, it seems plausible to assume that we can identify most if not all of state agencies by their .gov (or alike) domain and subdomains.
This risk can be mitigated by doing upfront research to get a better grasp on which shared AD’s match with which state agency.
Updates will be done in CCH in order to buy us time to get a more sophisticated solution UC 4.0Assuming that users can choose
We are assuming that users of our platform will be aware and willing to share this information.
We need to allow users to opt of choosing Affiliations or not choose since they might not want to fill out the information or might not belong to any affiliations.
We are also assuming that there is a significant correlation between membership affiliation and selected AD’s. This might be true or false, for all, some or none of them.
Milestones and Phases
List the project milestones along with how that milestone can be successfully measured.