As per the requirements below, the HubSpot data regarding Industry must be up to date for all customers in order to provide an accurate recommendation for a customer in the same industry.
Updates will be done in CCH in order to buy us time to get a more sophisticated solution UC 4.0
Milestones and Phases
List the project milestones along with how that milestone can be successfully measured.
Requirement | User Story | Importance | Status | Comments |
Provide a means for UCF super-administrators to specify which authority documents are recommended to supported state-agencies. | TBD | Not Started | Potential suggested solution, but engineering will consider other solutions: Option 1: create a “dummy” company per supported state-agency and create a list of supported ADs. Ensure state-agency identification is populated in HubSpot which will feed into the reporting engine. Option 2: create table/form … outside of CCH to allow supper admins to specify supported state-agencies and their related ADs. | |
Within CCH, provide a means for the user to ask for AD recommendations (only if they have filled out Industry other than “Other” and/or specified some Associations). | P1 | Not Started | ||
After the user chooses the option to receive AD recommendations, gather recommended authority documents based upon the self-identified: 1. industry, affiliation, or both OR
Send the user via email with a PDF attachment for the recommended ADs. | P1 | Not Started | The consolidated recommended ADs is based upon ADs in shared lists and ADs in builds. | |
Once the email is sent, inform the user they should check their email inbox for recommended ADs. | P1 | Not Started |
Estimated effort to fulfill all P1 requirements:
Design and Documentation: 2 weeks.
Build Solution: 4 weeks.
Total Duration: 6 weeks.
Estimated Number of resources to fulfill all P1 requirements:
Design Resources: 1
Build Resources: 2
Open Questions
List any open questions that come to mind throughout the lifecycle of this project