This PRD solely pertains to the confirmation of Industry, Affiliations, and State-agency the customer is associated with. The follow-on PRD Reporting PRD Phase 1 addresses how the ADs are recommended to the user.
Allow customers to confirm which industry their company is in and tell use which affiliations they belong to such as ISACA, ISC2, and HIGHTURST which will later be used in reporting.
If the customer belongs to a state-agency such as Alabama Department of State, allow the customer to confirm that state-agencyCreate a building block to allow customers to quickly identify Authority Documents that meet their needs.
Link to UC’s personas for the user, buyer, influencer.
No need for full beta. Will be built into CCH as additional functionality and ideally should be tested with a few friendly customers to validate functionality.
Risks and Assumptions
HubSpot/ZoomInfo enriches data at both the company and contact level. Need to ensure the user’s choice of industry does NOT override the company ZoomInfo derived industry.
The derived recommended list may not match the customers' needs and provide little value.
Risk of low adoption with ripple effect of not gathering information needed to produce recommended ADs (e.g., ISACCA members typically choose a certain set of ADs)
Updates will be done in CCH in order to buy us time to get a more sophisticated solution UC 4.0
Milestones and Phases
List the project milestones along with how that milestone can be successfully measured.
Requirement | User Story | Importance | Status | Comments |
HubSpot data cleaned up to ensure all companies have Industry information populated from ZoomInfo. | P1 | Not Started | It is a known issue that HubSpot industry data is imperfect. We are relying on ZoomInfo - we can contract with a second organization to enrich data for those not enriched, however, we haven’t completed the AI mapping project to map industry lists between Zoom and other list types. | |
Within CCH, provide a means for the user to approve the enriched industry information or choose “other”. | P1 | Not Started | ||
Within CCH, provide a means for the user to choose which affiliations they belong to such as ISACA, ISC2, HIGHTRUST or others. | P1 | Not Started | As example, marketing already has one set up for ISC2 Form (hsforms.com) | |
Within CCH, provide a means for the user to confirm which State-agency they belong to. This is only provided if the user’s domain corresponds to supported state agencies. | ? | Not Started | If not the domain, how else would we want the user to self-select or confirm which state-agency they belong to. | |
Provide a means of UCF super-administrators to identify which authority documents below to supported state-agencies. | ? | Not Started | Option 1: create a “dummy” company per supported state-agency and create a list of supported ADs. | |
Choice of Industry will be stored on the contact information in HubSpot and optionally in CCH. | P1 | Not Started | ||
Choice of Affiliation(s) will be stored on the contact information in HubSpot and optionally in CCH. | P1 | Not Started |