Content providers such as CSA, PCI, and GRI need a ….
Provide additional context and explain how this product fits into UC’s strategic goals and initiatives and why we are building it.
Here is where you describe what to do when things go wrong (e.g., user closes the browser, API doesn’t return results …)
Internal Reporting
Power BI available reports for internal usage.
User Story
Ability for content creators to view and run reports from a content reporting page.
Reports below all pertain to the contributor’s point of view.
All reports accessible through UI.
All reports accessible via the API.
Authority Document usage per organization.
List of companies and ADs (owned by the contributor) they have placed in at least one shared list.
Can we share actual company name due to GRC concerns?
Authority Document count per organization.
List of companies with a Cumulative count of ADs (owned by the contributor) across all their shared lists own
Authority Document distinct / unique count per organization.
List of companies with a Distinct count of ADs (owned by the contributor) across all their shared lists.
Authority Document usage per Industry.
Count of Authority Documents (owned by the contributor) used in at least one shared list by Industry.
Authority Document revenue tracking.
Authority document per country.
Count of Authority Documents (owned by the contributor) used in at least one shared list by Country.
Authority Document usage by Job Title and Job Function.
Count of Authority Documents (owned by the contributor) used in at least one shared list by Job Title and Job Function.
Authority Document usage by user.
Count of Authority Documents (owned by the contributor) used in at least one shared list by user.
Probably can’t distribute due to privacy policy.
UC 4.0 Required Reports following similar requirements used for the Power BI reports.
Following reports all pertain to buillds.
Build usage per organization.
List of companies and ADs they have placed in at least one build.
Build usage by industry.
Count of Authority Documents used in at least one build by Industry.
Build usage by annual revenue.
Build usage by country.
Count of Authority Documents used in at least one build by Country.
Build usage by user.
Count of Authority Documents used in at least one build by user.
Compare build usage by organization.
List of companies and Compare Builds they have created.
Requirement | Description | User Story | Importance | Status | Comments |
Following reports all pertain to shared lists which infers the organization is using the UCF APIs. | Authority Document usage per organization. | List of companies and ADs they have placed in at least one shared list. | Done | Updates to core and BI model needed to filter by Contributor. | Authority Document count per organization. | List of companies with a Cumulative count of ADs across all their shared lists. | Done | Updates to core and BI model needed to filter by Contributor. | Authority Document distinct / unique count per organization. | List of companies with a Distinct count of ADs across all their shared lists. | Done | Updates to core and BI model needed to filter by Contributor. | Authority Document usage per Industry. | Count of Authority Documents used in at least one shared list by Industry. | Done | Updates to core and BI model needed to filter by Contributor. | Authority Document revenue tracking. | Done | Updates to core and BI model needed to filter by Contributor. | Authority document per country. | Count of Authority Documents used in at least one shared list by Country. | Done | Updates to core and BI model needed to filter by Contributor. | Authority Document usage by Job Title and Job Function. | Count of Authority Documents used in at least one shared list by Job Title and Job Function. | Done | Updates to core and BI model needed to filter by Contributor. | Authority Document usage by user. | Count of Authority Documents used in at least one shared list by user. | Done | Updates to core and BI model needed to filter by Contributor. | Ability to filter all reports by data owner. | In order to periodically distribute reports to data owners, need to update the data model and reporting to filter by data owner. | New |
Following reports all pertain builds. | Build usage per organization. | List of companies and ADs they have placed in at least one build. | Build usage by industry. | Count of Authority Documents used in at least one build by Industry. | Build usage by annual revenue. | Build usage by country. | Count of Authority Documents used in at least one build by Country. | Build usage by user. | Count of Authority Documents used in at least one build by user. | Compare build usage by organization. | List of companies and Compare Builds they have created. |
In-product Reporting
Reporting functionality built into the UC 4.0 Platform.
Provide a means for UCF super-administrators to specify which authority documents belong to supported state-agencies. | TBD | Not Started | Option 1: create a “dummy” company per supported state-agency and create a list of supported ADs. Ensure state-agency identification is populated in HubSpot which will feed into the reporting engine. Option 2: create table/form … outside of CCH to allow supper admins to specify supported state-agencies and their related ADs. Option 3: ? | |
Within CCH, provide a means for the user to ask for AD recommendations. | P1 | Not Started | ||
After the user chooses the option to receive AD recommendations, gather recommended authority documents based upon the self-identified: 1. industry, affiliation, or both OR
Send the user via email with a PDF attachment for the recommended ADs. | P1 | Not Started | The consolidated recommended ADs is based upon ADs in shared lists and ADs in builds. | |
Once the email is sent, inform the user they should check their email inbox for recommended ADs. | P1 |
Open Questions
List any open questions that come to mind throughout the lifecycle of this project
User Interaction and Design
Below is quick sketch of what a report dashboard might look like for a content contributor’s perspective.
The mockup is to show what is meant by a report as opposed to the proposed ADs after self-identification which is used accelerate the time-to-value of the AD selection process.
Process Flow Diagrams
Links to user journeys, process flow, or other diagrams related to the requirements.