- Add active status info to property - Currently shows only as no value
- Add AD release availability
- Add AD live status
- Investigate why the # of CCH accounts doesn’t appear to be aligned with the data in the DB.
- Investigate why only one industry shows up in CCH accounts (currently only computer_software)
Fields of interest
CCH DB fields of interest | Data Values | Why |
ch accounts.Account Status |
| Indicates who has paid us, who hasn’t, who owes us, etc. Can help onboarding, retention, etc. |
authority documents.AD live status |
| Indicates what ADs are live. Can help filter AD, List, Build usage. May only care about Live ADs. |
authority documents.AD Release availability |
| Indicates who has access to use the AD mapping in the current CCH. Can help filter AD, List, Build usage. |
authority documents.AD Release availability |
| Indicates if the AD is available in the CCH. Can help filter AD, List, Build usage. May only care about Released, Restricted ADs. |
ch authdoc list,List active status |
| Indicates if the list is current or not. |