Dev: https://app.hubspot.com/reports-dashboard/7228818/view/11403824
Questions to Answer
Question | Reason | How to Answer |
WhatAuthority Documents are most commonly used in lists and in which industry? | AD usage by company industry by AD release availability
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WhatAuthority Documents are most commonly used by paid customers and free customers? | AD usage by # of accounts w/lists by AD release availability
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What Authority Documents are most commonly used in AD lists and how are customers using the lists? | AD usage by # of lists by AD release availability
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WhatAuthority Documents are most commonly used in the different build types in which industry? | AD usage by # of builds
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WhatAuthority Documents are most commonly used by distinct customers in the different build types in which industry? | AD usage by # of accounts w/ builds
Hubspot action items
- Add list active status info to property - Currently shows only as no value
- Add AD release availability
- Add AD live status
- Investigate why the # of CCH accounts doesn’t appear to be aligned with the data in the DB.
- Investigate why only one industry shows up in CCH accounts (currently only computer_software)