Persona | Task Name | Situation | Motivations | Input | Output | Permission-Role |
Doer Dan | Search for, review, and download PlantUML diagrams | When I help a team with a process that includes compliance steps | I want to make sure we do all the right steps the first time. | Organized set of PlantUML diagrams | Set of files or hyperlinks updated on our SharePoint collaboration site. | PlantUML Reader |
Analyst Alberta | Organize and help with PlantUML Diagrams | When my superior wants me to assist in organizing and updating process diagrams. | I want to help the team make compliance process diagrams easily accessed accessible for others. | Disorganized set of PlantUML diagrams. | Organized set of PlantUML diagrams. | PlantUML Contributor |
Process Peter | Create and manage PlantUML Diagrams | When I document my organization's processes. | I want to build out a set of diagrams documenting repeatable compliance processes that my director will love. | PlantUML diagrams created by me and others. Additional information like CCH content including CDOCs, audit questions … PlantUML diagrams created by me and othersthat is available in their existing CCH subscription. | Set of PlantUML diagrams ready for review and approval. | PlantUML Owner |
Compliance Katherine | Review, comment on, and approve PlantUML diagrams. | When my team is ready for me to review their diagrams. | I want my team to build out repeatable processes for the compliance team to easily follow. | PlantUML diagram(s) ready for my review. | Set of approved and finalized PlantUML diagrams. | PlantUML Reviewer |
Persona | Task Name | Situation | Motivations | Input | Output | Permission-Role | Compliance Katherine | Create and manage corporate glossaries|
Employee Edgar | Review terms | When I define corporate policiesread through a company policy document | I want to ensure everyone ot make sure I understand the terms defined in the company has a common understanding of the terms within our policy |
| A policy | A company glossary | An understanding of the terms | Glossary Reader |
Doer Dan | Search for, review, and read glossary terms. | When I help a team with any well-defined process | I want to make sure we do all the right steps the first time. | Organized set of glossaries and terms | Set of files or hyperlinks updated on our SharePoint collaboration site. | Glossary Reader | ||
Analyst Alberta | Organize glossaries. | When my superior wants me to assist in organizing and updating glossaries and terms. | I want to help the team make company glossaries easily accessed for others. | Disorganized set of glossaries and terms. | Organized set of glossaries and terms. | Glossary OwnerContributor | ||
Process Peter | Create and manage company glossaries. | When I document or review my organization's policies. | I want to assist my director in building build a set of repeatable compliance processes that my director will love. | Company policies. | A set of glossaries and terms ready for review and approval. | Glossary ContributorOwner | ||
Analyst Alberta | Organize glossaries | When I review my superiors glossaries and terms | I want to help the team make company glossaires easily accessed for others | Disorganized set of glossaries and terms | Organized set of glossaries and terms | Glossary Reviewer | ||
Compliance Katherine | Review, comment on, and approve corporate glossaries. | When my team is ready for me to review their corporate glossaries. | I want everyone in the company to have a common understanding of the terms within our policies. | Glossaries and terms ready for my approval. | A set of approved and finalized glossaries and terms. | Glossary Reviewer |
Persona | Task Name | Situation | Motivations | Input | Output | Permission-Role |
Doer Dan | Search for, review, and read |
dictionary terms. | When I help a team with |
a process that includes compliance steps. | I want to make sure we do all the right steps the first time. | Organized set of |
dictionaries and terms. | Set of files or hyperlinks updated on our SharePoint collaboration site. |
Dictionary Reader |
Employee Edgar
Review terms
When I read through a company policy document
I want ot make sure I understand the terms defined in the policy
A company glossary
An understanding of the terms
Glossary Reader
Persona | Task Name | Situation | Motivations | Input | Output | Permission-Role | ||||||
Compliance Katherine | Create and manage a compliance dictionary | When I map in private policies | I want to map our policies to UCF's common controls |
| My organization's compliance dictionary with terms | Dictionary OwnerAnalyst Alberta | Organize dictionaries. | When my superior wants me to assist in organizing and updating dictionaries and terms. | I want to help the team make compliance dictionaries easily accessed for others. | Disorganized set of dictionaries and terms. | Organized set of dictionaries and terms. | Dictionary Contributor |
Process Peter | Create and manage a compliance dictionary. | When I document or review my organization's policies. | I want to assist my director in building build a set of repeatable compliance processes that my director will love. | Company policies Other UCF tools and products | My organization's compliance dictionary with terms | Dictionary Contributor | ||||||
Analyst Alberta | Organize dictionaries | When I review my superiors dictionaries and tersm | I want to help the team make compliance dictionaries easily accessed for others | Disorganized set of dictionaries and terms | Organized set of dictionaries and terms | Dictionary Reviewer | ||||||
Doer Dan | Search for, review, and read dictionary terms | When I help a team with a process that includes compliance steps | I want to make sure we do all the right steps the first time | Organized set of dictionaries and terms | Set of files or hyperlinks updated on our SharePoint collaboration site | Dictionary Readerready for review and approval. | Dictionary Owner | |||||
Compliance Katherine | Review, comment on, and approve a compliance dictionary. | When my team is ready for me to review the compliance dictionary. | I want our corporate policies to be mapped to UCF’s common controls. | A compliance dictionary ready for my review and approval. | A reviewed and approved compliance dictionary. | Dictionary Reviewer |
Note: these will be moved out to the persona pages