Role | Description | Visibility | Ownership | Actions | Scope | Comments |
Dictionary Owner | Access to all private and community dictionaries including search | Private and Community | Account-owned and not-account-owned | All Create and manage a compliance dictionary and manage a set of terms in that dictionary Search third-party dictionaries | All (any dictionary) | We hypothesize that only one dictionary will be needed. |
Dictionary Contributor | Must be able access all account-owned dictionaries whether private or community and search | Private and Community | Account-owned only | Create, read, update, and delete dictionary terms within a dictionary Search third-party dictionaries | All (any dictionary) | |
Dictionary Reviewer | Must be able access all account-owned dictionaries whether private or community | Private and Community | Account-owned only | Read and comment on terms | All (any dictionary) | Their role-specific actions such as comment won’t be available early on which makes this role identical to “reader” |
Dictionary Reader | Must be able access all account-owned dictionaries whether private or community | Private and Community | Account-owned only | Read terms | All (any dictionary) |
Administrative Roles
Regardless of the products subscribed to, administrators are required to set up the account and grant access to users.
Role | Description | Actions | Comments |
Platform Administrator | Manages all IT Infrastructure including SaaS applications | Manage users (invite, revoke, remove …) | |
Billing Administrator | Manages all financial related topics including SaaS subscriptions | Choose and pay for subscription Upgrade or downgrade existing subscription |
Jobs to Be Done (JTBD)
Below are the identified jobs that need to be done with their respective permission-based roles.
Persona | Task Name | Situation | Motivations | Input | Output | Permission-Role |
Compliance Katherine | Create and manage PlantUML Diagrams | When I document compliance processes | I want to create a repeatable process for the compliance team to easily follow |
| Set of PlantUML diagrams | PlantUML Owner |
Process Peter | Create and manage PlantUML Diagrams | When I document or review my organization's process | I want to assist my director in building repeatable compliance processes |
| Set of PlantUML diagrams | PlantUML Contributor |
Analyst Alberta | Organize PlantUML Diagrams | When I review my superiors process diagrams | I want to help the team make compliance process diagrams easily accessed for others | Disorganized set of PlantUML diagrams | Organized set of PlantUML diagrams | PlantUML Reviewer |
Doer Dan | Search for, review, and download PlantUML diagrams | When I help a team with a process that includes compliance steps | I want to make sure we do all the right steps the first time | Organized set of PlantUML diagrams | Set of files or hyperlinks updated on our SharePoint collaboration site | PlantUML Reader |
Persona | Task Name | Situation | Motivations | Input | Output | Permission-Role |
Compliance Katherine | Create and manage corporate glossaries | When I define corporate policies | I want to ensure everyone in the company has a common understanding of the terms within our policy |
| A set of glossaries and terms | Glossary Owner |
Process Peter | Create and manage company glossaries | When I document or review my organization's policies | I want to assist my director in building repeatable compliance processes |
| A set of glossaries and terms | Glossary Contributor |
Analyst Alberta | Organize glossaries | When I review my superiors glossaries and terms | I want to help the team make company glossaires easily accessed for others | Disorganized set of glossaries and terms | Organized set of glossaries and terms | Glossary Reviewer |
Doer Dan | Search for, review, and read glossary terms | When I help a team with any well-defined process | I want to make sure we do all the right steps the first time | Organized set of glossaries and terms | Set of files or hyperlinks updated on our SharePoint collaboration site | Glossary Reader |
Employee Edgar | Review terms | When I read through a company policy document | I want ot make sure I understand the terms defined in the policy | A company glossary | An understanding of the terms | Glossary Reader |
Persona | Task Name | Situation | Motivations | Input | Output | Permission-Role |
Compliance Katherine | Create and manage a compliance dictionary | When I map in private policies | I want to map our policies to UCF's common controls |
| My organization's compliance dictionary with terms | Dictionary Owner |
Process Peter | Create and manage a compliance dictionary | When I document or review my organization's policies | I want to assist my director in building repeatable compliance processes |
| My organization's compliance dictionary with terms | Dictionary Contributor |
Analyst Alberta | Organize dictionaries | When I review my superiors dictionaries and tersm | I want to help the team make compliance dictionaries easily accessed for others | Disorganized set of dictionaries and terms | Organized set of dictionaries and terms | Dictionary Reviewer |
Doer Dan | Search for, review, and read dictionary terms | When I help a team with a process that includes compliance steps | I want to make sure we do all the right steps the first time | Organized set of dictionaries and terms | Set of files or hyperlinks updated on our SharePoint collaboration site | Dictionary Reader |
Note: these will be moved out to the persona pages
Persona | Title | Role |
Compliance Katherine | Director of Compliance | Leads compliance team at fin-tech organization |
Process Peter | Compliance Manager | Member of compliance team at fin-tech organization |
Analyst Alberta | Compliance Analyst | Junior member of the compliance team |
Doer Dan | Operations manager | Supports all business departments in their operational tasks |
Employee Edgar | Any employee | Ay role |